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"Hello everyone, I have been working with the Healing Codes since 2015, and my experiences have been absolutely positive. At the end of last year, I suddenly had to undergo major surgery. I am completely convinced that working with the HC has strengthened my faith & subconscious so well that I came up smiling. However, I also knew that I needed spiritual guidance to heal properly. I knew immediately that only Annika Constantin could be this teacher for me. Her voice is like a warm embrace, she knows exactly when to guide, and when silence and concentration are in order. I booked 3 sessions with Annika at the beginning of June and I am grateful to her every day that I feel so well and so healthy. These Custom Codes have a completely different power and effectiveness. When I received my new test results 14 days ago, I was overjoyed - hard to believe - everything was fine. Sure, I have to take pills, but I have no health restrictions. And I owe that to the wonderful support of Annika. Her special sensitivity has created the right Codes that have helped and still help me not only to feel SO good subjectively, but it has been confirmed by my doctor. Certainly, I sound very enthusiastic, yes, I am a fan of Annika's. I am very delighted and fond of her. I can only recommend to anyone to get their own Custom Codes - by Annika, of course. Have a nice evening, you all. - All my love, Claudia"

"What I love the most is that I am discovering more and more the love I have for myself and the joy of myself and my abilities, talents, etc. Since then, I feel much freer, not so overly cautious and dependent on other people's behavior. I also notice how I can now trust myself and accept things in confidence as they come my way, without constant worries, rigid expectations and judgments, which is really great. I am wholeheartely convinced that, as you have already written, a lot is in store for me. "-Laura

"Last Monday I was really excited and nervous during the coaching session,
but shortly afterwards I was filled with a soulful feeling, relieved and free. The next day while I was doing the code I felt embraced by Love - something that I had eagerly desired for a long time. It was not people, it was just that feeling, but sooo beautiful indeed!

Especially your warm-hearted voice, including the music accompanying the Code helped me relax more and more.


Each time I do the Code my heart is excited and seems to be very attentive. A lot of times after my Code I felt emotionally touched so much so sometimes that tears ran down my face."


"Truly, since I've been working with the Healing Codes, my life, my condition has changed rapidly for the better! I've been on the road for a long, intense time and many lovely, wonderful people have lovingly accompanied and supported me, especially in the last 8 years. Step by step, everything has brought me to where I am now, because I worked intensely and every day in love with myself, because I wanted to change, and more and more I became aware of who I really am and who we all truly are! Spirit and my / our life is an infinitely wonderful gift:) I feel it through and through!



Your affectionately accepting way of being, which is really very special, combined with the super ingenious divine power of the Healing Codes, paired with the Love Code, have finally caused the penny to drop for me :)



The most important thing for me is the realization and the implementation of the fact that I am love! I realize with love what is happening right now, I love what is, no matter how I feel and I am at peace with it! This is so amazingly wonderful because I can love every feeling and everything that shows itself to me affirmatively and acceptingly, and with that, the apparent negativity that shows itself in the form of fear, anger, etc., has lost its power and its horror! I know now from the bottom of my heart that nothing "evil" is real and is but a part of me that I have created, and that I can now heal forever with my love and affection! "-Elisabeth

"Having small children may be demanding. And having three in 13 months put me to an edge where I was so exhausted that there were days when I thought of just walking out the door and leaving all behind. After finding the Healing Codes I started to recover both mentally and physically in so many ways that I could never have dreamed of. Annika guided me through some very difficult issues and has helped me a lot in this process. Annikas way of working is just lovely - you will feel encouraged, inspired and cared for." -Miia Huitti, Finland

"Dear Annika,
Thank you for the loving coaching. I suffered for many years from recurrent depression and lack of energy. After only 4 weeks it healed completely and my joy of life has returned. By the way, hemorrhoids have disappeared as well. I am absolutely thrilled with your work and how with great patience you have been able to answer my many questions, I have been applying the healing codes for 6 months now and have integrated them into my daily routine, just like brushing my teeth, I wish you all the best and hope that many seek help from you will find."
-Irina from Switzerland

"Hello dear Annika,
I just wanted to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I have been applying the Healing Codes for a couple of weeks now, and especially with your valuable and loving support, I am seeing great progress. My abdominal and stomach pains are not completely gone, but my well-being has generally changed for the better. I am now using the group codes for each category and having wonderful experiences with it. Also, the practice with the recordings is very nice, you have a wonderful and peaceful voice and way about you, which allows for great relaxation. I always feel really good during and after practicing and feel love, peace and joy in me, that's wonderful. Meanwhile, it has become a morning and evening ritual for me to apply the healing codes.
Well, that was not so short but again: many thanks for everything. I wish you all the best from my heart. In love, Christian "

"Annika's coaching has given me positive perspectives and the feeling of 'you can change for the better' in a very difficult phase of my life, and I felt it was good to feel through the healing codes that I could work on my heart issues and turn them from negative to positive. That gave me a sense of calm and confidence. And - my heart issues have changed for the better - Annika's kindness and simplicity have been soothing and refreshing! Thanks for the coaching. " -Urrike from Dusseldorf, Germany

"A friend of mine who attended a seminar with Dr. Alex Loyd introduced me to the Healing Code. I bought the book and informed myself online. As I was worried about doing something wrong, I turned to Annika Constantin. For the first two weeks of the Healing Code, I came to a point where a bubble burst and became aware of what beliefs and behaviors I had been dealing with since I was a child. I told Ms. Constantin about my findings and she created a Custom Code for me. I've gotten calmer and am able to deal better with certain situations, but there are still moments when I feel uncomfortable out of the blue, especially when people want to push me back into those old patterns of behavior. When that happens I look for the associated feeling and apply the Healing Code. In any case, I can say that I feel better, those around me confirm this as well. Also, I feel like I've grown, it feels like a a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I will definitely continue and can only recommend it. "-Tanja Roth

"I felt very comfortable  with you because you do your work with so much love. You trust in the Healing Codes and that gives ones the guarantee that it works!

I was looking forward to getting healed and that gave me new hope. After doing the Healing Codes for the very first time, I suddenly got motivated to go jogging. And the weirdest but actually most beautiful was that I just had to smile through my whole run. It felt so good! And the day after I was so motivated in starting my day. Everything was just full of love, hope and peace. That's a main reason why I want to do Healing Codes always now!

I started becoming more myself. I started smiling more, I see life in a more positive way and what I think is very cool is that when I'm doing Healing Codes, I pray more often. So I can feel closer to God. " -Maja, Sweden

 â€‹© 2014 - 2024 by Annika Constantin

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